8 research outputs found

    Research and Development Workstation Environment: the new class of Current Research Information Systems

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    Against the backdrop of the development of modern technologies in the field of scientific research the new class of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and related intelligent information technologies has arisen. It was called - Research and Development Workstation Environment (RDWE) - the comprehensive problem-oriented information systems for scientific research and development lifecycle support. The given paper describes design and development fundamentals of the RDWE class systems. The RDWE class system's generalized information model is represented in the article as a three-tuple composite web service that include: a set of atomic web services, each of them can be designed and developed as a microservice or a desktop application, that allows them to be used as an independent software separately; a set of functions, the functional filling-up of the Research and Development Workstation Environment; a subset of atomic web services that are required to implement function of composite web service. In accordance with the fundamental information model of the RDWE class the system for supporting research in the field of ontology engineering - the automated building of applied ontology in an arbitrary domain area, scientific and technical creativity - the automated preparation of application documents for patenting inventions in Ukraine was developed. It was called - Personal Research Information System. A distinctive feature of such systems is the possibility of their problematic orientation to various types of scientific activities by combining on a variety of functional services and adding new ones within the cloud integrated environment. The main results of our work are focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the scientist's research and development lifecycle in the arbitrary domain area.Comment: In English, 13 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, added references in Russian. Published. Prepared for special issue (UkrPROG 2018 conference) of the scientific journal "Problems of programming" (Founder: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Software Systems of NAS Ukraine

    Distributional semantic modeling: a revised technique to train term/word vector space models applying the ontology-related approach

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    We design a new technique for the distributional semantic modeling with a neural network-based approach to learn distributed term representations (or term embeddings) - term vector space models as a result, inspired by the recent ontology-related approach (using different types of contextual knowledge such as syntactic knowledge, terminological knowledge, semantic knowledge, etc.) to the identification of terms (term extraction) and relations between them (relation extraction) called semantic pre-processing technology - SPT. Our method relies on automatic term extraction from the natural language texts and subsequent formation of the problem-oriented or application-oriented (also deeply annotated) text corpora where the fundamental entity is the term (includes non-compositional and compositional terms). This gives us an opportunity to changeover from distributed word representations (or word embeddings) to distributed term representations (or term embeddings). This transition will allow to generate more accurate semantic maps of different subject domains (also, of relations between input terms - it is useful to explore clusters and oppositions, or to test your hypotheses about them). The semantic map can be represented as a graph using Vec2graph - a Python library for visualizing word embeddings (term embeddings in our case) as dynamic and interactive graphs. The Vec2graph library coupled with term embeddings will not only improve accuracy in solving standard NLP tasks, but also update the conventional concept of automated ontology development. The main practical result of our work is the development kit (set of toolkits represented as web service APIs and web application), which provides all necessary routines for the basic linguistic pre-processing and the semantic pre-processing of the natural language texts in Ukrainian for future training of term vector space models.Comment: In English, 9 pages, 2 figures. Not published yet. Prepared for special issue (UkrPROG 2020 conference) of the scientific journal "Problems in programming" (Founder: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Software Systems of NAS Ukraine


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    Ensuring the economic security of the functioning of all economic entities is one of the main tasks, the solution of which makes it possible to preserve national sovereignty. Since February 24, 2022, the domestic economy has been suffering from russia's brutal, open and large-scale military aggression and is in a state of constant turbulence. That, in turn, causes increased attention to security issues at all levels of the economy in the face of global, geopolitical, and domestic economic threats. That is why this study aims to develop a methodical approach to assessing the level of economic security of financial and credit institutions. Scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "economic security of financial and credit institutions" are analyzed and the author's vision of the concept through the prism of development is proposed. The existing methodical approaches of domestic scientists to the assessment of the level of economic security of financial and credit institutions were studied. A methodology for assessing the level of economic security of financial and credit institutions based on the scoring approach has been developed. Quantitative and qualitative components of economic security are highlighted, which are proposed to be analyzed in the study of economic security. It is proposed to use the Harrington scale to determine the level of economic security of financial and credit institutions. Approbation of the proposed methodology was carried out on the assessment of the activities of five banking institutions. According to the analysis obtained, the relevance of the proposed methodology for assessing the level of economic security of financial and credit institutions has been proven

    Ontology-Driven Computer Systems: Elementary Senses in Domain Knowledge Processing

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    This article delves into the evolving frontier of ontology-driven natural language information processing. Through an in-depth examination, we put forth a novel linguistic processor architecture, uniquely integrating linguistic and ontological paradigms during semantic analysis. Distancing from conventional methodologies, our approach showcases a profound merger of knowledge extraction and representation techniques. A central highlight of our research is the development of an ontology-driven information system, architected with an innate emphasis on self-enhancement and adaptability. The system’s salient capability lies in its adept handling of elementary knowledge, combined with its dynamic aptitude to foster innovative concepts and relationships. A particular focus is accorded to the system’s application in scientific information processing, signifying its potential in revolutionising knowledge-based applications within scientific domains. Through our endeavours, we aim to pave theway for more intuitive, precise, and expansive ontology-driven tools in the realm of knowledge extraction and representation

    Gas dynamic phenomena (gdf) and causes of accidents at mines

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    There is a problem of development and implementation of prospecting technology to ensure protection of mining products and prevent disasters during the of coal deposits. It is especially relevant now when issue of environmental protection and improving labor safety in coal mines is very acute. Development of safe search technology for coal deposits is proposed by the authors. It will allow early monitoring to identify places of possible manifestations of gas-dynamic phenomena and make operational decisions for their elimination. The technology is based on application of exploratory gas-geochemical methods for mapping places of accumulation of gas-hydrogen accumulations and their areas. It together with a complex of geological-geophysical method allows to identify areas of possible emergency processes in development zones of mine fields. Feasibility of using search technology to justify use of laying anticipatory degassing wells to prevent uncontrolled explosive processes and technical disasters was proved on large array of conducted field work of planar and profile surveys. The proposed technology was tested on numerous mining sites in the process of exploratory and ecological research in development zones of active and exhausted mine fields.Funded by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. O. Shevchuk was additionally funded by a grant from the Swedish Strategic Research Fund.</p

    Development and implementation of monitoring of corrosion processes of hydrogen degasation in embrillation zones during the operation of gas pipeline

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    Pipelines for oil and gas create significant risks of destruction in the systems of industrial and main transportation of hydrocarbons in the presence of corrosion-embrittlement of metal. According to many researchers one of the main reasons for this process is in the area of hydrogen anomalies. It occurs under insulating coating. Insulating coating on the pipeline is peeled off from the metal in such places. Microcracks and pores appear; then moisture spreads to outer surface of the pipe and causes corrosion processes — embrittlement. In addition, it is not excluded that corrosion is intensified due to electrochemical processes and due to undercurrents of gaseous diffusion of hydrogen gas from the mantle strata formed in the areas of the pipeline location. Hydrogen is extremely permeable gas. It leads to swelling, insulation peeling off and defects expanding. The situation creates possibility for moisture penetration to the pipes surface. It also directly affects strength of the metal causing corrosion, cracking and embrittlement. Results of the studies show that embrittlement processes take place mostly in the areas where pipelines pass through oil and gas-bearing structures. In such places hydrogen exits are recorded.Funded by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. O. Shevchuk also funded by a grant from the Swedish Strategic Research Fund.</p

    Justification of global natural, environmental and hydrological conditions of green hydrogen generation, accumulation and logistics ways

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    The implementation of global energy projectsfor comprehensive solutions to the developmentof energy from renewable sources has all thenecessary conditions for the production, accumulationand transportation of green hydrogenin the south-west of the Odesa region, within theboundaries of the Izmail administrative districtand is timed to the floodplain of the Danube River.Funded by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. O. Shevchuk received funding from the Swedish Strategic Research Fund.</p

    Scientific justification of spatial distribution of hydrogen anomalies in the nearsurface layer of traditional and untraditional oil and gas-bearing structures and implementation of hydrogen search technology

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    Long-term results of research on mapping of oil and gas-bearing areas on traditional and non-traditional objects (mine fields, shelf areas, astroblems) made it possible to create a database of system criteria for search technology of structural-thermo-atmospheric-hydrologic geochemical research (STAHGR). It is an integral part of methodological solutions complex.There hydrogen was used as the main constituent element of explosives for the first time insearch practice. There are of hydrogen concentrations obtained in the process of research into the mapping features of the oil and gas capacity of traditional and non-traditional HC (hydrocarbons). Their spectrum of research includes H2-hydrogen. Analysis of data results made it possible to single out anomalous single values in areas and in productive areas (in the absence of background) and to conduct detailed, multi-scale studies for the purpose of planar mapping on prospecting works and environmental impacts of gas dynamic phenomena (GDF) during the development of coal massifs.Багаторічні результати досліджень з карту-вання нафтогазоносних ділянок на традицій-них та нетрадиційних об'єктах (шахтні поля,шельфові зони, астроблеми) дозволили створи-ти базу даних системних критеріїв пошуковоїтехнології структурно-термо-атмо-гідролого-геохімічнихдосліджень (СТАГГД), де складо-вою частиною комплексу методичних рішеньвперше в пошуковій практиці використовував-ся водень як головний складовий елемент ВВ.Аналіз результатів даних розподілу водневихконцентрацій, отриманих в процесі дослі-джень картувальних ознак нафтогазоносностітрадиційних і нетрадиційних ВВ, до спектрудосліджень яких входить Н2-водень, дав можли-вість виділити аномальні поодинокі значенняяк по площах, так і в продуктивних св. (за від-сутності фонових) і провести детальні різно-масштабні дослідження з метою площинногокартування на пошукові роботи та екологічнівпливи газодинамічних явищ (ГДЯ) при розроб-ці вуглепородних масивів.Funded by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. O. Shevchuk was also funded by a grant from the Swedish Strategic Research Fund.</p